Application Deadline: Monday November 4th, 2024
Reach new heights

Grow your startup in Emilia-Romagna with an International Focus. We have created a unique aerospace accelerator program that combines the best aspects of traditional startup accelerators with a deep international focus on the US market.

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An initiative by
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Application Deadline: Fonday November 4th, 2024
Program timeline
Call for application
4th November '24
Interviews period
1-20th november '24
Selection day
25th november '24
Program Kickoff
13th january '25
Final Pitch day
3rd March '25
Where today’s innovations shape tomorrow’s world. 
Skyward’s partners know how to help
Total funding
Program FAQ's

Do you still have questions about the program? Explore some of our frequently asked questions below to find the answer.

Will the program help me raise money for my business?

While we cannot make guarantees in terms of potential investments, we work very hard to ensure that the program puts you in the best position possible to improve your business.

What kind of time commitment will the program need for me? Do I need to be working on my startup full time?

We usually require four to six hours per week of meetings, plus follow-ups and other outside time that founders will need to spend working on their businesses.

What is meant by "innovative startup" ("Startup innovativa")?

The definition of an "innovative startup" is contained in Article 25, paragraph 2, of Law Decree no. 179/2012 (converted in law). According to this provision, an innovative startup is a startup registered in the special section of the Business Register. The requirements must be met at the date of submission of the expression of interest.

What is meant by "innovative PMI" ("PMI innovativa"?)

The definition of a "innovative PMI" is contained in Article 4 of Law Decree no. 3/2015 (converted in law). According to this provision, an innovative PMI is a company registered in the special section of the Business Register. The requirements must be met at the date of submission of the expression of interest.

What is the program?

A free, top-notch program for companies that are looking to achieve rapid growth and/or raise venture capital. gener8tor helps entrepreneurs work in and on their business while also attaining the entrepreneurial mindset needed to be successful.

How will thes help my business? 

Through one-on-one interaction with gener8tor employees, mentors and investors, program participants gain valuable personalized insights that can be applied to their business strategy. Program focus areas include gaining an entrepreneurial mindset, validating the company, growing customer traction, and preparing for investor pitches.Benefits include:• access to gener8tor’s robust network of thousands of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and investors, and warm introductions to those most relevant to your business;• membership in gener8tor’s startup community of thousands of startup founders, with access to gener8tor’s network, events and resources.

What does the application/interview look like?

There is an online application that you fill out to be considered for the program.Once applications close, a gener8tor employee will notify you if you have been selected for an interview.After interviews are complete, the gener8tor employee will follow up to let you know if you have been selected.

Perhaps these plans to colonise Mars are not the vain egotism of a greedy capitalism, the false catharsis I thought they were, but are instead a bright spot of hope. A large-scale experiment involving the collaboration of every branch of science and technology, and an invitation to every country in the world to come up with new ideas. Perhaps the aim is not to make a stupid terrarium on a dangerous and hostile planet, but to show us how to fix what we already have. Maybe Mars will save the Earth.
Lauren Groff
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